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New York Pre-License Final Exam And Proctor Instructions

Proctored School Final Exam

What Is a Proctor?

In the realm of real estate tests, a proctor is critical in upholding the honesty of the exam process. As you sit for your test, the task of confirming your identity, typically by looking at your ID, falls on the proctor. It’s vital to verify that every person taking the test is genuinely the person they purport to be.

  • Duties of a Proctor:
    • Verification of identity
    • Explanation of test rules
    • Monitoring of the exam environment
    • Reporting of any irregularities

Your exam proctor will ensure that the rules are clearly understood, often by reading aloud the instructions for the test. Additionally, they will be vigilant throughout the exam duration, attentively monitoring to confirm that testing conditions are fair for everyone.

The proctoring at Corofy, a fully online real estate school, ensures that even in a virtual setting, this supervision is effectively carried out. Continuous observation and strict adherence to guidelines are enforced to prevent any form of misconduct or cheating.

In essence, the proctor’s role is to create a standardized and fair testing environment for all candidates. They don’t intervene in the content of the exam but enforce procedural aspects to promote a level playing field. Your adherence to their guidance will reflect not just on your test but also on the values of honesty and professionalism central to the real estate industry.

What Does a Proctor Do?

When you’re preparing to take your real estate exam, understanding the role of a proctor is essential. A proctor’s primary responsibility is to supervise the exam environment to maintain the integrity of the testing process. This person is an objective overseer, ensuring that the exam is conducted under fair conditions and in accordance with established protocols.

During the exam, a proctor will perform several tasks:

  • ID Verification: Your identity must be confirmed, typically through a government-issued ID, to ensure that you are the rightful test taker.

  • Enforcing Rules: Adherence to testing guidelines is critical. A proctor will make sure no forbidden materials are used and that the rules are followed at all times.

  • Monitoring: Throughout the examination, you will be watched to prevent any form of cheating or misconduct.

  • Clarifying Instructions: Should you have questions regarding the test instructions, a proctor will provide clarification to prevent confusion.

  • Technical Support: In an online setting such as Corofy, a proctor also assists with any technical issues that may arise, ensuring that your exam experience is smooth.

  • Documentation: Incidents, if any, will be documented by the proctor to maintain a transparent record of what transpired during the exam.

As you enter your real estate exam, remember that the proctor’s role is critical to ensuring that all candidates are on a level playing field, and the results are a true reflection of each person’s knowledge and understanding of the real estate domain.

Who Can Proctor an Exam?

When taking your real estate exam, a proctor plays a crucial role in the integrity of the process. In New York, like many other states, specific criteria determine who is eligible to proctor your exam.

  • Unrelated Third-Party: Your proctor must not be related to you to avoid conflicts of interest. They should be an impartial observer.
  • Approved by Educational Institution: For online real estate schools like Corofy, the proctor should be approved and recognized by the institution.

If you’re studying with Corofy, an online real estate school, your proctor will be provided through the school’s online proctoring service. It ensures that the proctor meets all the necessary requirements and that the exam’s integrity is upheld. Here’s what you can expect from the exam supervision:

  • Identity Verification: Your proctor will verify your identity, typically by checking your ID.
  • Instruction Communication: They will convey all necessary exam instructions.
  • Monitoring: Throughout the exam, the proctor will ensure adherence to the rules, preventing any form of cheating or misconduct.

By having a qualified proctor, you can be sure that your exam results are recognized as valid and reliable. Therefore, it’s crucial for you to familiarize yourself with the proctoring process and requirements before the exam day.

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What is a proctored School Final Exam?

A proctored School Final Exam is an exam that must be taken in the presence of a proctor. A proctor is a person present to monitor and supervise students during the exam.The proctor will verify student identification, keep track of time, and watch students to make sure that they are following test guidelines and instructions.

What is the New York Real Estate School Final Exam?

The New York Real Estate School Final Exam is a proctored exam that must be completed and passed after completing your New York 77-Hour Real Estate Pre-Licensing Course in order to receive your Certificate of Completion for the course.

You must complete all the course chapters, quizzes, and other exercises before you can take the final exam.

How To Book Your School Final Exam

The School Final Exam must be taken in the presence of a proctor at a state-approved location.

You’ll receive information regarding booking your proctored School Final Exam from your course provider when you register for the New York 77-hour real estate pre-licensing course.

Typically, this will be done through a third-party proctor and require you to schedule your exam in advance. We recommend scheduling your proctored School Final Exam as you are completing the course, as some proctors will need to be booked in advance.

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Prepare For The School Final Exam

To pass your School Final Exam, you’ll need to have a score of 70% or better. To ensure you pass and can continue with the next steps to getting your New York real estate license as soon as possible, we recommend staying focused and making sure you are understanding the material being taught throughout the New York 77-Hour Real Estate Pre-Licensing Course.

In addition, use the resources offered to you by your course provider to study and test your knowledge of the course material. This includes:

  • Reviewing chapter summaries and key terms
  • Retaking quizzes and reviewing your answers
  • Going over topics that you didn’t understand

Corofy’s New York real estate pre-licensing course includes chapter quizzes, chapter summaries, and key term review exercises to ensure you’re fully prepared to ace the School Final Exam, as well as the New York State Real Estate Exam.

What To Expect on The Proctored School Final Exam

The proctored School Final Exam includes questions from every topic covered in both the course and State Exam to ensure you are well prepared to pass the State Exam with flying colors.

With Corofy, you’re able to retake the exam as many times as you need to, without any costs or fees.

Here are a few things to expect on the day of your School Final Exam:

  • The exam is closed book.
  • Scratch paper is allowed.
  • Simple calculator is allowed. You cannot use a smartphone or a calculator that includes an alphabet.
  • You must have a Photo ID to be shown to proctor.
  • All cell phones must be turned off and put away.

How many questions are on the NY Pre-License Course Final Exam?

Typically, the NY Pre-License Course Final Exam consists of 75 multiple choice questions, just like the New York State Real Estate Exam.

How many times can I take the NY Real Estate Pre-License Course Final Exam?

Each course provider will have different policies regarding retaking your NY Pre-License Course Final Exam. Some course providers will allow unlimited attempts on the proctored School Final Exam, but may require a fee for each attempt.

Being able to retake your Real Estate School Final Exam is an essential part of preparing for your New York State Real Estate Exam. As a Corofy student, you’re able to retake the proctored School Final Exam as many times as you need to.

Is the NY Real Estate Pre-license Course Final Exam hard?

Passing the NY Real Estate Pre-License Course Final Exam is not hard, you just need to prepare for it. Making sure you understand the material and reviewing the course content are great first steps to take to increase your chances of passing.

What happens after I pass the School Final Exam?

After you pass the School Final Exam, you will be immediately issued a Certificate of Completion. Corofy students receive their Certificate of Completion by email. 

After you have passed the School Final Exam, you will need to do the following:

  • Pass the New York State Real Estate Exam.
  • Choose a sponsoring broker.
  • Apply for your New York real estate license.

After you have completed these steps, you’ll officially be able to work in real estate as a licensed real estate salesperson!

New York Real Estate School Proctored Final Exam FAQ

The section below addresses some specific queries you might have regarding the role and responsibilities of a proctor during real estate exams, particularly in an online environment like Corofy.

Yes, the New York Department of State requires the School Final Exam to be proctored. You will receive more information regarding scheduling and completing your School Final Exam with a proctor upon registering for the course.

A proctored School Final Exam is an exam that must be taken in the presence of a proctor.

You take your proctored School Final Exam after completing your New York 77-Hour Real Estate Pre-Licensing Course content. We recommend scheduling your proctored School Final Exam as you are completing the course, as some proctors will need to be booked in advance. 

The New York Department of State requires the School Final Exam to be proctored. You will receive more information regarding scheduling and completing your School Final Exam with a proctor upon registering for the course.
The proctored School Final Exam must be taken at a physical proctoring location that is approved by the NYS Department of State and is located within New York State.
Corofy students have unlimited attempts to pass the proctored School Final Exam.
Corofy’s proctored School Final Exam is structured exactly like the New York State Real Estate Exam and consists of 75 multiple-choice questions. You must pass the exam with a score of 70% or better to receive your Certificate of Completion.

Each course provider will have different policies regarding retaking your NY Pre-License Course Final Exam. Some course providers will allow unlimited attempts on the proctored School Final Exam, but may require a fee for each attempt.

Typically, the NY Pre-License Course Final Exam consists of 75 multiple choice questions, just like the New York State Real Estate Exam.

Passing the NY Real Estate Pre-License Course Final Exam is not hard, you just need to prepare for it. Making sure you understand the material and reviewing the course content are great first steps to take to increase your chances of passing.

A proctor’s main duties include verifying your identity, ensuring you comply with the testing protocol, and maintaining the exam’s integrity. They are there to monitor your adherence to the rules and to prevent any dishonest behavior during the exam process.

Typically, a proctor for a real estate licensing exam is an unbiased individual who has been formally approved by the educational institution or licensing body. They must be impartial and not have any personal relationship with the exam candidates.

A proctor ensures the integrity of the exam by overseeing the exam environment. They monitor to make sure you are not accessing unauthorized materials, communicating with others, or engaging in any form of cheating.

During your real estate class exams, you can expect the proctor to provide clear instructions, answer any procedural questions, and vigilantly supervise the exam to create a fair testing environment for all candidates.

In an online real estate exam, proctors typically use software to monitor your computer screen, use AI to analyze your behavior for any anomalies, and sometimes may even interact with you through a webcam. In contrast, in-person proctors are physically present to oversee the exam.

Not just anyone can be an approved proctor for real estate exams. Approved proctors must meet specific criteria, which often includes a background check, formal training, and an understanding of the technological tools required for proctoring online exams. They must be capable of managing the examination process according to the prescribed standards.

Key Takeaways

Taking your proctored Real Estate School Final Exam is essential in testing your knowledge of the course content and preparing for the New York State Real Estate Exam. 

Here are a few things to remember when preparing for your proctored Real Estate School Final Exam:

  • Your School Final Exam must be taken in the presence of a proctor and you will be given instructions on how to book your School Final Exam by your course provider.
  • The key to preparing for the NY Pre-License Course Final Exam is reviewing the course material, such as quizzes and summaries. 
  • You will need to pass the proctored Real Estate School Final Exam with a score of 70% or better to receive your Certificate of Completion.

Now that you have all the information you’ll need to pass your proctored Real Estate School Final Exam, it’s time to take your New York State Real Estate Exam. The next article in the New York Real Estate License 101 Guide will cover everything you need to know about taking and preparing for the New York State Real Estate Exam.

Who is Corofy?

Before being a school, Corofy is a community. Our founder, Eddy Boccara, started his real estate career as a real estate salesperson looking for a side hustle.

Since then, he’s had a passion for New York real estate and specifically the talented individuals that take the leap to get their real estate license and help this industry progress.

Eddy created Corofy with one goal in mind: to provide people with quality real estate education that actually helps them build a career they can be proud of.

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Engaging Online Real Estate Course Content

Our New York online real estate course is designed to help you stay engaged and pass the New York real estate exam. With this in mind, our pre-licensing course includes:

Fun activities & quizzes

Chapter review summaries

Careers tips and advice

Memory cues to help you learn