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Can You Be A Part-Time Real Estate Agent In New York?

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Entering the world of real estate doesn’t always require a full-time commitment. If you’re wondering whether you can manage a career as a part-time real estate agent, the answer is yes. Your success in this role will hinge on your ability to manage time and balance commitments effectively. Both education and obtaining a real estate license are essential steps, similar to full-time agents, but with the convenience of a flexible schedule that works around your other responsibilities.

A desk with a computer, phone, and paperwork. A "For Sale" sign outside a house. A calendar with appointments

At its core, a part-time real estate career offers a unique blend of flexibility and income potential. Balancing the demands of another job or personal obligations, while dedicating sufficient time to your clients, can be challenging. Yet, with proper time management and strategic planning, it is possible. For education and certification, online resources such as Corofy provide accessible real estate school courses tailored to those with time constraints, allowing you to fulfill licensing requirements on your own schedule.

Key Takeaways

  • Pursuing a real estate career part-time is feasible with proper time management and commitment to education.
  • Online real estate schools like Corofy provide the necessary flexibility for obtaining your license amidst a busy schedule.
  • While challenges exist, the part-time path allows for income supplementation and a customizable work-life balance.

Is A Part-Time Real Estate Career Right For You?

A desk with a laptop, phone, and real estate documents. A "For Sale" sign and house keys on the desk. A calendar with flexible hours

Deciding on a part-time real estate career hinges on your current lifestyle and ambitions. A full-time job might leave you contemplating whether you have room for a second commitment. Yet, many find being a part-time real estate agent a feasible side hustle that complements their primary income.

Key Factors to Consider:

  • Current Commitments: Can you juggle your existing responsibilities with the demands of a real estate career?
  • Flexible Schedule: Are you able to adapt your schedule for clients’ needs, without compromising your main job?
  • Educational Requirements: In New York, completing an online course from an establishment like Corofy can set you on the right path.
  • Financial Expectations: Understand that a part-time career in real estate might not yield immediate high returns.

Embracing technology is a must, as it provides a competitive edge in today’s market. Tools for market analysis, virtual tours, and online listings are key components of a successful part-time agent’s arsenal. Are you tech-savvy or willing to learn?

Real Estate as a Part-Time Career:

  • Income: Initially, may supplement your existing earnings.
  • Experience: Gain insight into the market and property values.
  • Networking: Build relationships that could benefit your main career or future full-time real estate aspirations.

Before diving in, it’s essential to weigh the pros and cons of a part-time role against your personal and professional goals. Is now the right moment for you to begin this journey? Only you can decide.

Benefits of Working As A Part-Time Agent

Working as a part-time real estate agent in New York can offer you numerous benefits, especially if you value flexibility and are motivated by the prospect of additional income. As an independent contractor, you can enjoy a significant degree of control over your schedule, allowing you to balance other commitments effectively.

  • Flexible Schedule: Real estate doesn’t confine you to a 9-to-5 routine. This flexibility means you can tailor your work hours to suit your lifestyle, whether you’re juggling family responsibilities or pursuing further education.
  • Additional Income: A career in real estate part-time can serve as an excellent source of supplementary income. The income potential in New York’s dynamic market is a compelling reason to explore this field.
  • Time Management Skills: Juggling real estate with other responsibilities necessitates strong time management skills. These skills are life-enhancing and will benefit you in all areas of your life.
  • Real Estate Part-Time: You can begin your journey into real estate part-time, which is particularly advantageous given that Corofy offers a fully online course to equip you with the knowledge needed to start your career in the field.
  • Income Potential: Real estate commissions in New York can be lucrative. As a part-time agent, your earning potential is directly influenced by how much you invest in client relationships and networking.

Remember, your success in real estate is largely self-determined. Part-time work in this arena allows you to explore the industry with less financial risk, making it a smart move for those looking to gradually transition into a full-time real estate career.

How Much Money Can a Part-Time Real Estate Agent Make?

Your potential income as a part-time real estate agent varies widely. A key factor is the commission earned through property sales, which depends on how active and successful you are in the market. Typically, real estate commissions hover around 6% of the home’s selling price, with a split between the listing and selling agents.

Realizing income as a part-time agent involves understanding not just the commission structure but also the costs associated with the profession. Desk fees, which are the charges for occupying space in an agency, and other operating costs like marketing and transportation can influence your take-home pay. As a part-timer, you’ll also need to account for any upfront costs for licensing and continuing education, which can initially impact your income stream.

Part-time real estate salaries in New York can be significant, provided you can balance the various financial considerations. For example, completing your education through an online real estate school such as Corofy provides flexibility while reducing upfront costs, as there’s no need to pay for traditional classroom-based instruction.

Expenses Impact on Income
Commission Rate Direct correlation with income
Commission Split Affects net earnings from sales
Desk Fee & Operating Costs Reduced net income
Upfront Licensing Costs Initial decrease in available funds

Managing these financial components effectively can lead to a lucrative part-time endeavor in the competitive New York real estate market.

What Is A Typical Realtor’s Schedule?

A typical schedule for a part-time real estate agent in New York often involves a significant amount of flexibility. As a part-time agent, your schedule may differ greatly from full-time practitioners, as it needs to accommodate another job, studies, or personal commitments.

  • Weekdays: You might dedicate evenings to client meetings, property showings, and marketing activities. It’s common to carve out time after 5 PM for these tasks when potential buyers and sellers are available.
  • Weekends: Often, weekends are prime time in real estate. You can expect to spend Saturdays and/or Sundays hosting open houses, meeting with clients, and scouting properties.
  • Time Management: Effective use of scheduling tools and good time management practices are crucial. Allocating specific hours for real estate activities helps in maintaining a balance with other responsibilities.
  • Set Schedule: Unlike some professionals with a 9-5 routine, your real estate work typically won’t have a set schedule. However, aligning your availability with the needs of clients and the demands of the market is essential for success.

Remember, fitting real estate around your life’s demands requires a commitment to staying organized and being adaptable to the needs of your clients. As part-time real estate agents in New York, the more effectively you manage your schedule, the more successful you’re likely to be.

While formal education can be flexible too with options like Corofy, a fully online real estate school, it’s important to invest time into learning and growing your expertise to thrive in the industry.

Might A Client Hesitate To Work With A Part-Time Real Estate Agent?

Clients may sometimes be cautious about working with a part-time real estate agent due to concerns about the agent’s availability and commitment. When you’re relying on someone to guide you through the complex process of buying or selling a home, it’s natural to wonder if a part-time realtor will be as dedicated and accessible as a full-time agent.

Communication is key in the real estate business. A hesitation you might encounter is whether a part-time agent can provide the prompt and thorough communication necessary for effective customer service. Important messages and opportunities could be missed if the agent is balancing another job.

Furthermore, marketing efforts for a property may be perceived as less aggressive when done by part-time realtors. Clients often expect robust marketing strategies that include everything from online listings to open houses. They may question whether a part-time agent has the resources and the time to deliver a comprehensive marketing campaign.

Lastly, an agent’s reputation in the industry is built on results and client satisfaction. You might worry that a part-time agent’s reduced hours may lead to a less established reputation, which in turn could affect your real estate transactions.

It’s essential for you to assess a real estate professional’s track record and how they plan to meet your expectations, regardless of whether they’re part-time or full-time. This will help ensure that you are making an informed decision when selecting an agent.

Is It Hard For Part-Time Real Estate Agents To Work For A Brokerage?

If you’re considering becoming a part-time real estate agent in New York, you might wonder about the feasibility of working with a brokerage. The truth is, joining a sponsoring brokerage is a necessary step, as you can’t legally operate without one. Benefits such as access to leads, lead generation resources, and support in developing your marketing strategy come with being under the brokerage’s umbrella.

Finding a Match:

  • Flexible brokerages: Some are open to part-time agents and may offer the flexibility you need.
  • Culture fit: It’s crucial to find a brokerage whose culture aligns with your business plan and work style.
  • Support: Brokerages vary in the support they offer for lead generation and marketing, which can be vital for a part-time agent.


  1. Broker license requirements necessitate that all agents, including part-time ones, work under a licensed broker for compliance.
  2. The brokerage’s expectations: Some may require a minimum number of hours or sales, which could be challenging on a part-time schedule.

Given that Corofy is a fully online real estate school, they might provide you with a clear understanding of New York’s unique market conditions and how to affiliate with a brokerage that can accommodate part-time agents.

Conclusion: To sum up, while it isn’t straightforward, finding a brokerage as a part-time real estate agent in New York is feasible. Your success depends on your due diligence in finding a brokerage that respects your part-time status and supports your growth in the industry.

Marketing and Lead Generation for Part-Time Agents

Effective marketing and lead generation are crucial, especially when you’re a part-time real estate agent in New York striving to maximize your limited time. To grow your client base, start by crafting a marketing plan that incorporates a mix of online and offline strategies tailored to the local market.

In the digital realm, establish a strong online presence. Meaningful engagement on social media platforms can enhance your visibility—use sites like Facebook and Instagram to showcase properties, share market insights, and connect with your community. Email marketing is another powerful tool. Regular, informative newsletters help keep your name at the front of potential clients’ minds.

Networking remains a staple; it’s about who you know. Attend industry events, join local real estate groups, and never underestimate the value of a good conversation. Even as a part-time agent, your business cards should always be on hand to facilitate these opportunities.

Referrals from satisfied clients are incredibly valuable. Encourage them with exceptional service and follow-up communications. Additionally, consider direct mail campaigns, like sending postcards to a targeted list of leads who may be interested in buying or selling soon.

Embrace technology to streamline your efforts. Utilizing a CRM system enables you to manage contacts efficiently, track leads, and automate tasks. Invest in tools that aid in automation, making it possible to generate and nurture leads even when you’re not working.

With thoughtful marketing tactics, including a balance of email, phone outreach, and strategic use of postcards, you can effectively generate leads and grow your business part-time. Stay agile and ready to adapt your strategies to the ever-changing New York real estate market.


As a part-time real estate agent in New York, you navigate a vibrant and highly competitive real estate market. Embracing part-time work in this field means weighing the pros and cons; on the positive side, you have the flexibility to set your own schedule and the opportunity to build income on the side of a primary career. The real estate market is ever-changing and operating part-time allows you to adapt to its rhythms without being overly committed.

However, part-time engagement also involves facing stiff competition and the need to carve a niche in the local market. Success hinges on your ability to develop strong branding and recognition amongst buyers and sellers alike. But, due to the rigorous nature of New York’s market, your growth might be slower compared to full-time professionals, and establishing a strong network could require more effort and strategic planning.

  • Effective branding and networking in your local market.
  • Strategic time management to balance with other commitments.
  • Targeting a specific niche to stand out amidst the competition.

To stay ahead of the curve, continuous education and staying current with the market trends are imperative. Engaging with a fully online real estate school such as Corofy can provide you with the knowledge and flexibility needed to thrive without compromising your current lifestyle or commitments.

In New York’s bustling market, a part-time real estate career is viable, but it demands dedication, adaptability, and strategic planning. Your ability to succeed will largely depend on how effectively you can balance these factors within the context of a dynamic professional landscape.

Frequently Asked Questions

In exploring the prospect of becoming a part-time real estate agent, you likely have a number of questions regarding earnings, the process of starting, and the practicalities of balancing this career with other commitments.

How much can one expect to earn as a part-time real estate agent?

Earnings for part-time real estate agents vary widely, with factors like location, market conditions, and the amount of effort put into the job playing significant roles. In New York, commission-based income means your earnings directly reflect your sales success.

What steps are involved in becoming a part-time real estate agent?

To enter real estate part-time, you’ll need to complete pre-licensing courses, pass the state exam, and choose a brokerage to work with. An online real estate school like Corofy can provide flexible options for completing your coursework.

What is the average number of hours worked by part-time real estate agents?

Part-time real estate agents in New York often work between 20 and 30 hours per week. However, hours are flexible and can be adapted to fit other life commitments.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of working as a part-time real estate agent?

Advantages include flexible scheduling and the ability to earn extra income. Disadvantages may be less time for client engagement and potential challenges in juggling with other obligations.

Is it feasible to manage real estate activities as a side job while attending college?

Yes, it’s feasible to manage real estate activities while in college, particularly with online education tools and the flexible scheduling inherent to part-time work in the industry.

What factors should be considered when choosing a brokerage for a part-time real estate agent?

When choosing a brokerage, consider their support for part-time agents, reputation in New York, training resources available, commission splits, and how their business model aligns with your availability and career goals.

Who is Corofy?

Before being a school, Corofy is a community. Our founder, Eddy Boccara, started his real estate career as a real estate salesperson looking for a side hustle.

Since then, he’s had a passion for New York real estate and specifically the talented individuals that take the leap to get their real estate license and help this industry progress.

Eddy created Corofy with one goal in mind: to provide people with quality real estate education that actually helps them build a career they can be proud of.

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